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Oct 15, 2020

Happy 80th Birthday Pharoah Sanders Musical Jubilee

Joining the worldwide birthday celebration of the living legend born on October 13th. Also as a bonus some tunes from Thelonious Monk who was born in NC on October 10th. 

Pharoah Sanders The Promise
Pharoah Sanders Japan
Pharoah Sanders Summun Bukken Umyun
Pharoah Sanders Blue Nile
Pharoah Sanders Prince of Peace
Pharoah Sanders Africa
Pharoah Sanders West Oakland Strut
Pharoah Sanders Moussa Berkiyo
Pharoah Sanders Thembi
Thelonious Monk Well, you needn't Live at the It Club
Thelonious Monk Evidence At Carnegie Hall
Thelonious Monk Bemsha Swing Monk in Tokyo