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Feb 25, 2021

The Mighty Selectors: The Heart of Jamaican Music



The Soul of Jamaica crew is back bringing their deep crates of rare Jamaican gold to celebrate one of the most important people in any sound system, the selector. The selector is the one who chooses what music to play and when to play it. They control the vibe of the dance and through their music selection the selector can make or break a sound system. In the US we call this person a DJ, but in Jamaica this position is referred to as the selector while the DJ is the mic man. Many great selectors have come and gone creating a long history of amazing music. Come join Jazz Incognito, Selector B Steady, and the Nth Degree as we pay tribute to some of the great selectors in Jamaican history as well as share a bit about this crucial part of sound system culture.

Special Request Style Johny Ringo Live Session with King Stur-Gav HiFI

Any Lover Whe Me Want U-Roy Live Session with King Stur-Gav HiFI

Penny For your Touch Dickie Ranking Live Session with King Stur-Gav HiFI

Mad Over me Echo Minott Live Session with King Stur-Gav HiFI

Tonight is the Night Live Session with King Stur-Gav HiFI

Side A Kilimanjaro Live & Learn Present A live Session with Kilimanjaro

Almighty Dub Jah Shaka Jah Shaka Meets Mad Profesor at Ariwa Sounds

One Million Man Dub Jah Shaka and Mad Professor new Decade of Dub

Live Dance Hall Session Gemini Posse Live Ina Skateland Big Bout Ya...Massive

Side A The Bilbow Posse Live Inna Dancehall Style

Reggae Showcase 1982 Lord Selector CKLN Radio 88.1 

Delroy Wilson - Baby Don’t Leave Me

Clive Williams & The Heatwaves - Take Good Care of My Baby

Johnny Clarke - Everyday Your Wondering

Jah Woosh - Crooked Skank

Big Youth - Tippertone Rocking

I- Roy - Leggo Beast

Prince Glen - Fort Augustus Rock

Big Joe - Selassie Skank Dub 

Dennis Brown - Things In Life

I-Roy - Problems in Life

Lloyd Charmers - Oh Me Oh My

B. Johnson - Oh Me Oh My

Lloyd Charmers - Ishan Cup

Lloyd Charmers - Real Cool

Carlo Malcolm - Miss Wire Waist

Big Youth - No Hestering

Carl Malcom - No Jestering

Flesh , Skin & Bone - Wire Dub

Big Youth - Natty Dread

Errol Dunkley - Three In One

Rupee Edward All Stars - One In Three

Alton Ellis - Big Bad Boy

Mafia All Stars - Bad Version

U Roy - Hudson Affair

Johnny Moore - Riot

Tommy McCook - Bubbling Horn